What to Know Before Being Fitted for a Prosthetic Foot

Prosthetic Foot Fitting

Prosthetic Foot Fitting

Taking special care before being fitted for your prosthetic foot can make the process easier and more successful for you. In this article, we’ll review how to get ready for the process, from your temporary to definitive prosthesis.

Preparing for Your Temporary Prosthesis

After your residual limb has healed sufficiently and reduced in swelling, your doctor will prescribe a prosthetic foot for you. This is typically done 4 to 6 weeks after surgery but may require more time if swelling remains or you need more time to recover.

You will meet with prosthetist to prepare for your fitting and discuss options for your prosthesis. This is the perfect time to share more about yourself and life with your prosthetist. You should discuss what you want to achieve from rehabilitation, your plans, goals, and activity level. Be sure to mention any activities you enjoy (or want to get involved in) such as fishing, playing sports or instruments, and more. Share information about your work and home habits as well.

First, you will be fitted for your temporary prosthesis. This prosthesis is designed to get you comfortable using, removing, and caring for a prosthesis. It also gives you skin a chance to get used to the pressure as you learn to walk with the prosthesis. You may need use different socks for your residual limb as the shape and swelling change during the healing process.

Getting Ready for Your Final Prosthetic Foot

Once the size and shape of the limb have settled, your prosthetist will recommend your final (or definitive) prosthetic foot. This often takes places several months after your initial surgery. During this time, you may also select a cosmetic covering if desired. Keep in mind that it will likely take more than one visit to be properly fitted for your final prosthetic foot. Final prostheses typically last two to five years and may require repairs or adjustments over time. Children will need to change their final prostheses more frequently to account for growth changes.

At Metro Prosthetics, we offer a range of prosthetic technology options for prosthetic feet. Our prosthetists are passionate about helping clients find the right option to meet their goals and lifestyle. Connect with our team today to find out more.