The Most Common Types of Prostheses

Prostheses Types

Prostheses Types

You probably already know there are different types of prostheses. But can you name the most common ones and their purposes? Do you know the difference between transtibial and transfemoral prostheses? You’ll find out everything you need to know about the 4 most common types of prostheses in this article!

First Thing First: What is a Prosthesis?

Approximately 2.1 million Americans have experienced limb loss and many of those individuals use prostheses. A prosthesis is an artificial body part. We most commonly see artificial limbs, but there are prosthetic fingers, toes, eyes, etc. Prostheses can be designed for both form and function. Some have no function and are purely cosmetic. Others are purely functional and do not imitate natural body parts in appearance. Others provide function and mimic natural body parts cosmetically.

The 4 Most Common Types of Prostheses

There are 4 common types of prosthetic limbs:

  • Above the elbow
  • Below the elbow
  • Above the knee
  • Below the knee

Above and below the elbow prostheses are designed to take the place of a missing arm. A transradial prosthesis attaches below the elbow. A transhumeral prosthesis attaches at the upper arm. These prostheses can be purely cosmetic or operated by harnesses and cables. There are also myoelectric arms that use electrodes to pick up senses and provide movement. A transtibial prosthesis attaches below the knee and includes a foot. Transfermoral prostheses are for amputations above the knee.

How Does a Prosthesis Work?

Of course, it depends greatly on the prosthesis itself. But generally speaking, a prosthetic limb includes a socket, attachment mechanism, control system, and limb. The socket connects and is molded to the residual limb. The limb will be customized to the task it will perform. Most prosthetic limbs are made of a lightweight material such as carbon fiber, laminate, or plastic.

The attachment mechanism uses a suspension system to help control and secure the device. As you might have guessed, the control system helps the user operate the device.

While we have covered some of the most common types of prostheses today, keep in mind that your prosthesis should be as unique as you are. To find a prosthesis that suits your lifestyle and goals, get in touch with the Metro Prosthetics team.