How Prosthetic Fingers Can Improve Your Daily Life

Options for Prosthetic Fingers

If you’ve experienced loss of function in your hands due to an injury, disease, surgery, or congenital condition, prosthetic fingers can help you regain function and the ability to perform routine tasks. In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into the capabilities of prosthetic fingers and how the options on the market are changing.

Options for Prosthetic Fingers

The loss of fingers can be caused by a number of diseases and injuries including:

  • Traumatic injury
  • Surgery
  • Diabetes
  • Scleroderma
  • Buerger’s disease
  • Congenital conditions

Thanks to the advancement of technology and science, there are many ways to regain function in the hands and fingers. In the case of partial limb loss, finger and thumb prostheses are designed restore finger length, allow for gripping, pinching, and holding. With complete limb loss, adjustable fingers within a prosthesis allow for holding, carrying, and grabbing items. Today, you’ll find more incredibly natural as well as high-tech-looking prosthetic fingers.

Passive Prostheses

There are both passive and active prostheses on the market for prosthetic fingers. Passive prostheses are more cosmetic in function and give a more natural appearance. They do not provide exacting hand control or grasp. They are designed to have a life-life appearance and are lightweight in nature. There are several models and skin tones to choose from.

Active Prostheses

An active prosthesis is externally powered. They can be operated by sensors, which are activated by electrical signals emitted by muscle movement. These prostheses allow for greater function and movement and often used for more complex tasks. They have more a high-tech and less cosmetic appearance. Keep in mind there are several types of active prostheses on the market. You’ll find activity specific prostheses and even hybrid options.

No matter the type of prostheses you are looking for, Metro Prosthetics can help you ensure that you get exactly what you need. We offer both active and passive prostheses for the arm and hand. We’d love to discuss the best option for you so connect with us today!